Web Support

Moti works on all platforms, including web. Make sure you've installed react-native-web and done anything you need to get that working.

Expo Web support#

The following applies to React Native Web apps that do not use Next.js.

Since Moti uses Reanimated 2, we need its Babel plugin to be applied to Moti. Since Expo Web doesn't transpile modules by default, we'll need to tell it to transpile Moti.

First, install @expo/webpack-config to your devDependencies:

npm install -D @expo/webpack-config

Next, create a custom webpack.config.js in the root of your Expo app, and paste the contents below:


const createExpoWebpackConfigAsync = require('@expo/webpack-config')
module.exports = async function (env, argv) {
const config = await createExpoWebpackConfigAsync(
babel: { dangerouslyAddModulePathsToTranspile: ['moti', '@motify'] },
return config

Your app will now run with Expo Web!

Known issues#

Spring animations#

By default, moti uses type: 'spring' for animations.

However, Reanimated 2's spring animations are currently glitchy on web.

Current workaround options (select one):#

  1. Use react-native-web between versions (0.15.2 through 0.15.6) for a temporary patch and the default type: spring will work on web.
  2. Alternatively if you want to use springs, I recommend setting overshootClamping: false. This seems to solve it on web:
<MotiView transition={{ overshootClamping: false }} />

Thanks to pranshuchittora for discovering this workaround.

  1. Another solution is to use timing transitions instead of the default spring.

You can configure your animation settings using the transition prop of any Moti component.

import React from 'react'
import { View as MotiView } from 'moti'
export default function Timing() {
return (
scale: 0.8,
opacity: 0,
scale: 1,
opacity: 1,
// timing instead of the default spring
type: 'timing',
  1. For using react-native-web > 0.15.6, check the status on an upcoming release that includes this pull request regarding Reanimated setNativeProps. It should be solved once react-native-web resolves issue #1935.